Sound Bath Facilitation Workshop


Nada Brahma Vibrational Wellbeing

“Feel your Feelings”

Transformational . Painless . Non Invasive . Affordable . No Side Effect 

Role of Nada Brahma Frequencies

Our universe vibrates across frequencies, allowing us to experience the magnificence and the existence of sound spectrum. When this frequency is out of balance, illnesses occurs. Sound healing, when applied on our bodies, it brings realignment and harmony. Healing Sounds or Sonic waves can be felt through human voice (chanting, singing, toning) or with the use of an Sonic instruments such as singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes or other electronic equipment’s.

Wonders of Nada Brahma Frequencies

The sonic waves and its frequencies when in vibration shall gradually form a ‘sonic envelope’ around our bodies. The waves are felt are harmonic sounds gently embracing our whole being, taking our chattering mind through emotional landscapes, colourful vistas, conveys feeling of safety and security, insights and visions into calmness and clarity. The subtle sound vibrations can be felt physically as the waves enters the skin, tissue, organs, bones and body fluids throughout the body. The muscles relax and blood circulation and lymph flow are stimulated. In the relaxation process, it regenerates breathing, heartbeat, pulse, skin resistance, blood pressure, metabolism and digestive system.

“According to the International Association of Sound Massage Therapy data research, who are building evidence of sound vibrational well being have documented that the following systems and physiological changes can occur…..

thriving Cardiovascular system

a decrease in the heart rate and blood pressure!

stronger Neuromuscular system

a decrease in reflex activities!

deeper connections with Respiratory system

 respiration becomes flatter and even!

expanded consciousness through the Central Nervous System

 increase in alpha waves and theta waves!

reviving the true nature of Amygdala & Hippocampus

activation of part of the brain’s limbic system responsible for emotions and memory!