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Peter Hess® Sound Massage Level 2

Training in 3 or 4 steps

Sound Massage I-II 32 hours
Sound Massage III-IV 32 hours
Sound massage Supervision 16 hours
Individual Sound Massage 16 hours

From relaxation to reorganization

The aim of this seminar is to expand the possibilities of the basic sound massage, to get to know new sound elements and thus to make the sound massage more diverse, to experience it and to be able to use it mindfully.

It is important to us to train the sensitivity for energetic contexts, to refine perception and to emphasize and promote mindfulness and appreciation for this topic. A central aspect in this context is also the “power of consciousness”, the mental focus and inner attitude (inner images), which underlies the action as a Peter Hess sound massage practitioner and the holistic nature of the method.

You will learn an extension of the instruments used, get to know other sound elements. In this way, the sound space can be experienced more intensively. Possibilities are learned to reach the energetic level of the human being by means of these instruments and to offer balancing techniques to strengthen health in the holistic sense (as well as outside, inside and vice versa). So far, you have worked exclusively with singing bowls. Now you will get to know the use and effect of the Zen bowl and the Fen gong. The seminar contents expand the ability to resonate and enable intuitive action based on one’s own intensive experience in individual and group situations as well as on a factual and technically sound background.

The new aspects and the attitude conveyed contribute to the creation of a non-judgmental framework in which development at all levels is possible. They thus form an ideal basis for any interpersonal cooperation, which can be tested and practiced in this seminar. You perceive yourself as an energetic system that can influence your life, and you consciously perceive again how strong external influences are in your life. By experiencing this very special form of sound massage, you strengthen your presence and expand your scope of action in contact with other people and their environment.

This seminar takes place mainly on weekends on 2 days


Core Contents Sound Massage II

  • Ideas about body energy and its significance for sound work
  • Perception of one’s own body environment
  • Perception of group energy through common sound
  • Perception of body energy with singing bowls and gongs
  • Special sound massage for balancing and strengthening the body’s energy
  • Inserting the new elements into the basic sound massage
  • Extended sound massage with the Zen bowl and the Fen Gong
  • Guided and independent practice of the new elements
  • Development of a dialogical, resonance-oriented, non-judgmental attitude towards the client and oneself
  • Sound meditations for relaxation and integration of what has been learned
  • Exchange of experience and reflection

What to expect:

The curriculum incorporates the use of Singing Bowls and Gongs in the bio-energetic field and strengthening health in the holistic sense (as outside, so inside and vice versa).
Lectures, demonstrations, Sound Meditations, experiential exercises, practicing (giving & receiving) and verbal sharing.
We will work on massage tables and on the floor with mats and cushions.
We only use therapeutic Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowls which are available at a 10% discounted price during the course.


Cost: Per Person

India – 29500Rs / UAE – AED.1750 / Singapore – SGD.750

Including course script and certification. Tea & vegetarian snacks are provided during the course.


Prerequisite: Level I

Hours of Study: 16

Seminar time: 9:30am to 5:30pm on two consecutive days

Minimum number of participants:  6-12

Workshop Facilitators: Manan Sharma (India, UAE, Singapore, Nepal) 


  • Ideas about body energy and its importance for the sound work
  • Perception  of your energetic body environment
  • Perception of body energy with Singing Bowls and Gongs
  • Application of new elements into the Basic Sound Massage
  • Advanced Sound Massage with higher sounds and Fen-Gongs
  • Guided and independent practice of the new elements
  • Sound Meditations for relaxation and integration
  • Exchange of experiences and reflection

For Participation rules

Registration takes place exclusively in written form. With the confirmation of registration by the Manan wellness, you will receive an invoice for the seminar fees stating the payment period. In order to secure your place, you must transfer the seminar fee to the account then communicated to you in good time within the payment period.

Cancellation rules:
If the participant withdraws from his registration at least 2 weeks before the start of the seminar, we will charge an administration fee of 3000Rs. In the event of a later cancellation, we will charge 50% of the seminar fee; if a replacement person can be found, only administrative fees of 4000Rs will be charged. Participation in a seminar without prior payment of the seminar fees is excluded.

If a seminar date has to be cancelled by the MEDITATONES® Institute (e.g. due to a lack of participants or due to the illness of the seminar leader), the seminar fees will be refunded immediately; further claims are excluded.


Each participant bears full responsibility for himself/herself and his/her actions inside and outside the group and must pay for any damage caused. We would like to point out that there are no healing treatments in our seminars.
The participants undertake to discuss physical or mental illnesses that could pose a risk to participation in the seminar with their own doctor/therapist and to inform the seminar management of this. In the first three months of pregnancy, education can not be started.
The seminar leader can exclude participants for the continuation of a seminar if the further participation could mean an unjustifiable overstrain of this person, other group members or the leadership. A claim to reimbursement of the seminar fees does not exist in this case.

Confirmation of participation and certification:
The confirmation of successful participation in a seminar event of the PHI has the
presence at all lessons as a prerequisite. In the sound massage training, admission
to the final seminar is only possible after successfully completed the seminar Sound Massage III+IV & Then intensive seminar. For the certification as a Peter Hess® sound massage practitioner or Peter Hess® sound massage practitioner, the proof of 3 training sound massages must be provided by authorized providers to be chosen freely
from a list.

Accommodation and meals:
If events of the Institute take place in educational institutions or hotels, the seminar participants are obliged to spend the night there and participate in the catering. Unless otherwise stated, these costs will be paid by the participants themselves on site.

In order to ensure a smooth process in the educational institutions, we reserve the right to pass on names and addresses.