Individual sound massage for body, mind and soul and final seminar with supervision
To be in the sound room for several days in a beautiful and relaxed atmosphere is possible in this seminar. So, you not only learn new things, but also relax and recharge your batteries for your everyday life. The training is framed by sound meditations, which contribute to the harmony of body, mind and soul and enable the integration of what has been learned. This makes learning the method easy. The focus of the final seminar, which usually takes place about three months after the Klangmassage III/IV seminar, is on the practical experience of the participants and the joint development of problem solutions. After completion of the training, i.e. at the end of the final seminar, the participants receive a certificate with the right to professionally apply the Peter Hess® sound massage within the framework of the legal regulations. Part of our training in the Peter Hess® sound massage is that the participants must receive three training sound massages from authorized sound massage practitioners. This takes place in the three months between the Klangmassage III/IV seminar and the final seminar. The cost of the 3 training sound massages of 65 € each should be included in the total cost of the training. It is about experiencing
qualified sound massages for relaxation during this time The aim is to enable the participants to use the sound massage safely, purposefully and client-oriented for relaxation and health prevention. The respective needs and problems of the clients are taken into account in an individually designed sound massage. New sound elements are learned, integrated into the basic sound massage and experienced their effect in a holistic sense. In addition, the use of sound massage for relaxation is discussed, taking into account certain clinical pictures. Relaxation is one of the most important foundations in health and burn-out prevention. In this way, you will once again be intensively trained to be able to resonate with the needs of your clients in order to tailor your sound offering to them.
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Level 3 & 4
Training in 2 or 3 steps – intensive training

PETER HESS Sound Massage III + IV
The purpose of this training is for the participants to expand their scope of range with additional new elements that can be incorporated in the Sound Massage for relaxation as well as learning to match the Sound Massage to the clients individual needs and addressing particular symptoms. Part of the course is devoted to discussing a professional approach, safety of the treatment, understanding the role of the Sound Massage Practitioner in relationship with the client, defining the limits of Sound Massage and it’s legal implications, setup of a Sound Massage practice, advertising, ethics and other business issues.
What to expect:
Lectures, demonstrations, Sound Meditations, experiential exercises, practicing (giving & receiving) and verbal sharing.
We will use massage tables and floor mats with cushions in our practice sessions.
We only use therapeutic Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowls which are available at a 10% discounted price during the course.
Cost: Per Person
India – 59000Rs / UAE – AED.3500 / Singapore – SGD.1500
Including course script and certification. Tea & vegetarian snacks are provided during the course.
Prerequisite: Level I and II
Hours of Study: 32
Seminar time: 9:30am to 5:30pm on four consecutive days
Minimum number of participants: 6-16
Teacher: Manan Sharma (India, UAE, Singapore, Nepal)
- Sound Massage of the joints and legs
- New elements to loosen neuromuscular blockages
- Clearing, harmonising, draining, balancing – work with subtle energies
- Experience the Sound Massage as a holistic method – strengthen the healthy & basic trust, develop a vision/goal
- Sound Pyramid
- Energetic Sound Bow
- Application of new elements in a partial Sound Massage
- Sound Massage for relaxation addressing particular symptoms
- Preparation and practice of an individual Sound Massage making use of the client chart
- Chakra system, Chakra Sound Massage
- Cosmic Sound Bath for groups
- Guided Sound Meditation, Imaginary Sound Journey
- Limits of the Sound Massage, business and legal implications
- Exchange of experiences and reflection
Sound Massage III + IV
2 contrary application examples from practice – to illustrate the spectrum of your possibilities:
- Application of the sound massage in the day care center (e.g. for educators or other pedagogical professionals): Experience shows: It is so nice to experience when the touch with the singing bowls conjures up a smile on the lips of the children… (Statement of an educator) (cf.: Klangschalen – Mit allen Sinnen spielen und lernen, Kösel-Verlag 2008)
- Application of sound massage in everyday hospital life (e.g. for specialists from medical professions): Experience shows: Patients are more balanced, can sleep better, less medication is needed, the length of stay is shortened and much more
The training ends with the final seminar with supervision. In this seminar, the own practical experiences and those of the other seminar participants are reflected.
For Participation rules
Registration takes place exclusively in written form. With the confirmation of registration by the Manan wellness, you will receive an invoice for the seminar fees stating the payment period. In order to secure your place, you must transfer the seminar fee to the account then communicated to you in good time within the payment period.
Cancellation rules:
If the participant withdraws from his registration at least 2 weeks before the start of the seminar, we will charge an administration fee of 3000Rs. In the event of a later cancellation, we will charge 50% of the seminar fee; if a replacement person can be found, only administrative fees of 4000Rs will be charged. Participation in a seminar without prior payment of the seminar fees is excluded.
If a seminar date has to be cancelled by the MEDITATONES® Institute (e.g. due to a lack of participants or due to the illness of the seminar leader), the seminar fees will be refunded immediately; further claims are excluded.
Each participant bears full responsibility for himself/herself and his/her actions inside and outside the group and must pay for any damage caused. We would like to point out that there are no healing treatments in our seminars.
The participants undertake to discuss physical or mental illnesses that could pose a risk to participation in the seminar with their own doctor/therapist and to inform the seminar management of this. In the first three months of pregnancy, education can not be started.
The seminar leader can exclude participants for the continuation of a seminar if the further participation could mean an unjustifiable overstrain of this person, other group members or the leadership. A claim to reimbursement of the seminar fees does not exist in this case.
Confirmation of participation and certification:
The confirmation of successful participation in a seminar event of the PHI has the
presence at all lessons as a prerequisite. In the sound massage training, admission
to the final seminar is only possible after successfully completed the seminar Sound Massage III+IV & Then intensive seminar. For the certification as a Peter Hess® sound massage practitioner or Peter Hess® sound massage practitioner, the proof of 3 training sound massages must be provided by authorized providers to be chosen freely
from a list.
Accommodation and meals:
If events of the Institute take place in educational institutions or hotels, the seminar participants are obliged to spend the night there and participate in the catering. Unless otherwise stated, these costs will be paid by the participants themselves on site.
In order to ensure a smooth process in the educational institutions, we reserve the right to pass on names and addresses.